What is Alkaline Water Good For?
What is Alkaline Water?
What is Alkaline Water Good For? Clean and Life Giving Water is our most precious resource in the 21st century. People will be fighting over access to drinking water as our current water tables are being depleted and damaged by excess fracking and oil drilling. Clean Drinking Water is necessary for life, and we can't go without it for more than 3 days before we permanently expire, so you must find a way to have clean drinking water available for you and you and your family.
Alkaline Water is the best form of healthy drinking water you can hydrate your body with. Most chronic diseases and conditions develop when the body becomes acidic. Viruses can easily replicate, Bacteria and Candida thrive in an acidic body. Inflammation, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Gout, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Insomnia are just a few of the many conditions that are caused by your body being acidic.
Drinking Purified Alkaline Water helps reverse those conditions quickly, without side effects too. You can get Alkaline Water from a natural spring, although now days it will be contaminated by all the residues coming from aerial spraying (chemtrails), pesticide runoff, environmental drilling and contamination. You will even want to filter that once pristine water now. An Alkaline Water Ionizer takes normal acidic tap water, highly purifies it, and splits it into acidic water (waste or can be used for good deep cleaning externally) and alkaline water for drinking and cooking.
Alkaline water is not only the most hydrating on the planet (the structure and surface tension of the water molecule allows deeper cellular hydration) that helps fill your body's cellular community. The effects are many and so beneficial to your health and appearance. Alkaline water is a natural antioxidant, and nourishes your cells, skin and organs. It has anti-aging properties as well. They can help you fight off or prevent a boatload of diseases and ward off chronic infections, inflammation and pain.
For athletic individuals, it hydrates much better than any sports drink, and will help your body perform at it's peak level, good for competitions and any physical activity. It will also help you recover from muscle fatigue (lactic ACID buildup), give you greater endurance and help your body recover much quicker. Since healthy drinking water is your body's biggest need, it makes sense to make that the best quality you can get. It is the best thing you can do to improve your health – Get a Healthy Alkaline Water Filter.
Alkaline Water Filter
What is the best alkaline water filter? There are many methods that are good at purifying water, like Reverse Osmosis (RO), Distillation and Ionization. RO and distillation are great for removing harmful contaminants and can be very beneficial if our water supply ever gets contaminated or the water company has to cut their budget and stop filtering our water. Reverse Osmosis and Distilled Water can be acidic, if you don't put alkalizing minerals back in (the processing takes out the contaminants, and some of the necessary ones.)
Any water filter is better than none. It's always good to have a non-electric version for emergencies when the power may be out and all house water systems that need power will not be working. You can get a natural steam distiller for emergencies. It will guarantee that you'll have safe drinking water in an emergency or any other time. For a complete listing of all water purification methods visit Whole House Water Purification.
Don't count on the water district to take care of us and our families. Tap Water Dangers are varied and many, including harmful chemicals dumped in it, like fluoride, chlorine, radiation, pharmaceutical pill products, viruses, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens. Bottled Waters are better but still don't have all the chemicals like fluoride removed. Fortunately the PureEffects water filter has zeolite in it that removes radiation, fluoride and pathogens (it also uses no electricity, so it's tops in an emergency when they shut off the power and your other water filters may not work.)
Ionized Alkaline Water
Ionized alkaline water or ionic water is different because it goes a step further. It places the healthy minerals back into the water and makes it very alkaline. It structures and micro-clusters the water making it just the right size to be absorbed into our cells and tissues and thoroughly hydrates our body. We know this by how drinking alkaline water quenches our thirst.
Alkaline Water Benefits
Why You Should Be Drinking Ionized Alkaline Water:
- Creates Health in all body tissues (removes excess acidity)
- Deeply Hydrates all cells in your brain and body
- Makes blood less sticky (and prone to anemia)
- Energizes you (has natural electrolytes and is highly alkaline PH level)
- Removes the cause of many illnesses and conditions (anti-inflammation)
- You can think, move and perform at your best
Alkalinity refers to the pH or parts hydrogen level of water. The lower the number the more acidic. The higher the number the more alkaline. Each type has its purpose, benefits and drawbacks. Acidic water is great for cleaning and dissolving things (you can make water very acidic and cleaning by using the settings on a water ionizer).
Making the water alkaline is what you want for healthy drinking water. Disease thrives on an acidic environment in your body, so if you make your body alkaline, bacteria, viruses and pathogens can't replicate because the alkalinity breaks their cell walls apart and they dissolve. Alkaline water is also very hydrating, and is best for workouts, recovery and anti-aging.
Listen to what microbiologist Jason Fowler (affiliate of Dr. Robert O. Young of the PH Miracle Research Center) has discovered about the healing benefits of micro-clustered, alkaline ionized water:
If you’re on a budget, then make sure to take a look at my favorite water filter – The PureEffects water filter. It will not only filter out radiation, heavy metals and pathogens, it will give you alkaline water too!
How to Make Water Alkaline
Make your own highly alkaline drinking water, that helps your body heal from many conditions just by drinking it regularly. There are a couple of things you should do to immediately improve your health and that of your family. You can mineralize and alkalize regular drinking water:
- Ionic M2022inerals (remember to use after Reverse Osmosis or Water Distiller to re-mineralize and alkalize – not needed for ionic water)
- Zeolite Filter – Home Unit that has natural zeolite in it to remove radiation and heavy metals.
- Alkaline Water Pitcher – Home or Travel High Quality Portable Unit
- Countertop Water Ionizer – The highest quality Table Top home water ionizer
- Under Sink Water Ionizer– Under sink completely installed home unit (Set it and forget it!)
Ionic bottled water is a quick fix but should not be used long-term. The plastic bottles leech plastic into the water, especially if the temperature is warm or your bottle is in direct sunlight.
There is also a huge disposal problem along with the environmental pollution and the huge oil cost to produce and truck in all this water. You can help by using BPA-Free (the cancer causing chemical in most plastic water bottles) stainless steel bpa free water bottle or thicker bottles that you can wash and reuse (filing them with your own ionic water, of course!)
Using an Alkaline Water Ionizer
Ionized water is in it's most perfect state for health and hydration. It's full of healthy minerals and is highly electrically charged and will energize your health and your life. Drinking alkaline water regularly heals many diseases and chronic conditions. It gives you energy and allows your nervous system to work like it should, and even clears up that mental fog that slows us down and makes us tired. It can take your workouts and exercise routines to the highest level.
Here's what a high level brain injury specialist has to say about how it personally transformed her own health, once suffering from excruciating inflammatory arthritis pain, to now living an extremely healthy and vibrant experience:
Don't rely on someone else for your family's health. Get a water ionization unit like the Genesis Platinum Water Ionizer or Tyent's 11 Plate Water Ionizers (Lifetime Warranty). These are the best alkaline water ionizers you can get, higher rated than Kangen and a lot more bang for the buck. These Alkaline Water Machines transform ordinary tap water into healing and rejuvenating, deliciously tasting hydrating water.
These alkaline ionizers completely purify your water of disease causing living pathogens (viruses, bacteria and protozoa), change your water’s pH structure from acid to alkaline, and transform your water into a powerful antioxidant. Just ask any inflammatory arthritis or gout sufferer who regularly drinks ionic water. They improve dramatically!
Remember, we are not what we eat and drink but what we actually absorb, so start absorbing the best water you can get and FEEL the energy difference – Mind, Body and Spirit!